MSc Project Africa

The Main Activities

The objectives will be achieved through the following activities:

  • Application of modern teaching technologies. The program will combine intensive postgraduate modules with soft-skills training, hands-on field and laboratory activities, e-learning courses in collaboration with ISU, as well as a research dissertation that will address the industry based problems, and smallholder farming requirements in Africa. 



  • Applied plant breeding research program. The maize breeding program running at the University of KwaZulu-Natal will be further developed to be in line with breeding pipeline with the use of modern equipment resulting in improved varieties being released



  • Plant breeding internship program. The UKZN MSc plant breeding program will include a 6-month internship program for students to obtain experience from successful private seed companies (e.g. Monsanto, Pioneer, Pannar, Capston Seeds and United Seeds) and/or elite public sector breeding programs in South Africa (e.g., Agricultural Research Council, South African Sugar Research Institute), Zimbabwe (mainly CIMMYT, SeedCo, Pannar and DuPont-Pioneer) and Zambia.


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